Thursday, June 21, 2007

Some New Additions to the Poetry Shelf

Our Post-Soviet History Unfolds, Eleanor Lerman
The Mystery of Meteors, Eleanor Lerman
New and Selected Poems 1974 - 2004, Carl Dennis
Crush, Richard Siken
Some Ether, Nick Flynn
All the Lifters, Esther Mazakian
The Cosmos Trilogy, Frederick Seidel
News & Smoke, Sharon Thesen
The Good Bacteria, Sharon Thesen
Salvation Blues: One Hundred Poems 1985 - 2005, Rodney Jones
The Snowbird Poems, Robert Kroetsch
Refusing Heaven, Jack Gilbert
The Vision Tree: Selected Poems, Phyllis Webb
Dancing in Odessa, Ilya Kaminsky
Always Now: The Collected Poems, Volume Two, Margaret Avison
Always Now: The Collected Poems, Volume Three, Margaret Avison
The Starry Messenger, George Keithly
Alphabet, Inger Christensen, translated by Susanna Nied
Butterfly Valley: A Requiem, Inger Christensen, translated by Susanna Nied
The Chine, Mimi Khalvati

Monday, June 11, 2007

More New Stuff in "The Jackdaw's Nest"

Saturday, June 02, 2007

New In Jackdaw's Nest